Sunday, 1 May 2011

The last chance...

... to write something entertaining and appropriate for this blog (and the course). I'm sad because I realised that only one week left from spring semester which recalls in my mind the word: exam period. I would really sleep it over (listening and sleeping skills forever)!

My last word would be LOVE. No matter, who gives or receives it, it is the only way in life to be (remain) happy and  have a worthy, meaninfgful existence in the world. At least in my opinion. :D

I might post sometihng here in the future, I don't know yet.

Peace y'all!

Can a blog entry be friendly?

The post that gave me the idea to write about was this. My RWS teacher, Joe recommended me to read it and think about it. I did so, here I go.

The deed of hitting the enter key twice was relatively new for me. Honestly, it was useful to read his pieces of advice about how and when to write on the blog in order to make the readres feel good. The question of "when?" also plays an important role but "how?" gives the coherence, the accuracy and so on. In my opinion, this entry is very nice and kind. I reckon that if sometthing is friendly, nice and kind it might have something to do with help. I mean when you want to help somebody you're kind with the person. These features include happiness, too. In the means of a smile or a helpful deed on Mother's day, for example. It is said that a smile always helps which is absolutely true, I think.

Like the opportunity of creating a blog and posting to it on reading and writing skills course. Because if we have a blog, then it means we have some own original artwork. So I found this idea really brilliant and useful because with this, you can learn about the different genres which are used on blogs, newspaper online editions, or on any other site. You can give advice to the others or repost interesting articles, happenings, etc. It also helps when the post is printed, therefore the mistakes, the layout can be more easily seen.

In our modern world it's almost necessary to have internet at home and it's crucial when the browser is broken or the connection is not working in the middle of writing your really important post and suddenly you have a blank screen with a terrified face. This is similar when you couldn't write the last sentences of your thesis because you found some interesting blogs which were must read and the deadline was Wednesday midnight and it's already Thursday, 3.a.m. 

Thank God I'm only a first year student and only my laptop's battery is low sometimes and I saved everything before the big blackness and anger.

A report on my (ancient) poll

So, in this post I'd like to kind of analyse my poll's results (finally). The idea of the question came to my mind when I was reading an extremly amount of something in English (I can't remember, what) and suddenly it popped into my blog. I mean, the question was created because I wanted to know whether my groupmates were also fed up with school or not. 

I was interested in the results because the answers would show how the others like, don't like school or what do they think about it. If no one would answer the poll, that would also be a result but with a different meaning, I think. Maybe those who didn't participate any of the sessions would also have opinions but because they weren't there they couldn't know about the blog (task).

It wasn't surprising that 4  (36%) out of the 11 people picked to the answer "Yes, a bit." Which amazed me was the three 2 (18%) group of answering people chose the options "Absolutely.", "No, not at all." and "Summer, where are you?". I thought that at least 5 people would say the latest, but that didn't happen. Only one person said (9%) that I should ask something else (I think I know who was that but shhh) and none of the mates declared about that they didn't mind ("I don't mind, I'm okay without it.") and that they didn't even have a timetable for the semester or they didn't present themselves on the lessons ("School, what's that? I don't even have a timetable, dude." Tricky option, but still, you know.)

My conclusion would be that most of my groupmates would rather do something else instead of learning and some of them would be happy if the summer were here (me, too). All in all, I'd say that down woth the books (I mean with the university ones) and chill a little before the exams, don't overlearn ourselves and believe that we can do it (even if it seems impossible sometimes).

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Different point of view...

So this short video is about "points of view" which has been always an interesting topic in my life since I was about 13 or so. I mean, to write about this issues is itself a hard work because everyone has a different value systems. Take the word "good," for example. Good can have different meanings for one and other for another person and the situation is the same with bad. But this wuold be only black and white world and of course, the reality is a bit more toned.

The concept of double standard is also an interesting definition because it says that it's "a rule or moral principle that is unfair because it is used in one situation, but not in another, or because it treats one group of people in a way that is different from the treatment of another." But with this, we arrived to the example of discrimination. I don't want to evaluta this but I think it's an acceptable illustration. 

The thing I wanted to talk about is the different measure with which people think or do things. This is the same with the commercials like in the video. I mean, it's necessary that we have different point of view and we just should try to use them -- in life's situations. Like in journalism, the distinct newspapers write about the same articles in surprisingly opposed ways. Or in the media, on the television: the channels have different news and find other ones important than the another channels (like here in Hungary RTL Klub and TV2) Politics is a  common battlefield of altered opinions and views so it's adequate for practising. Only if it's not hated or disappointing which is almost unbelievable in this century, especially in Hungary. 

The golden truth is that don't judge something because you don't know it well yet, but try to look behind the topic/ideology/person's life or whatever and after that say what you wanted. You might change your mind before speaking/writing.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Punctuation saves lives. Seriously.

And of course if you can write well.

'Cause the comma stands alone,
An 's' is welcomed on the board.
/aberrated "poem" from my even more aberrated moments/

Sorry guys, I have an awful sense of humour but sometimes I can't stand if I see something which is grammatically incorrect. It's just... obvious, you know. Or only for me? I mean the subject-verb agreement.

Today was the big day of choices, I'd say: English Linguistics with some specific translation ( I don't know its proper name :/ ). Fine! However, everyone (or almost everyone) was applied to the field of study they wanted to be in.

Now I'd like to make this post a bit more interesting by sharing my thoughts on punctuation. I reckon that you need to reach a certain level (let's say B1 or B2) in order to become familiar with its "rules". Because it has some rules which are sometimes hard to follow even for advanced learners as well, and the keyword is: sometimes. I have some useful tips on how to write well but it's in Hungarian so it doesn't help a lot when it's about English. Moreover, the two languages have a different punctuation system and it would be crucial to mix them or use them at the same time.

For example, when I have a look into my Oxford dictionary I always turn the pages to the punctuation part. Why? Because I still don't know how to use the semi-colon, the dash or the hyphen and I often fall into the "comma-coma" (my RWS teacher, Joe calls it this) which is not good, I'd say. There's one thing which drives me crazy: the marks have two different names according to the British English (BrE) or the American English (AmE) versions which is enough for me to get confused. And because I'm such a lazy girl I sometimes don't have the passion to read (or write) and this has to be changed as soon as possible.

Maybe poets and authors don't have so much problems in connection with punctuation, not to mention that one comma (if it's in the right place) can CHANGE the meaning of a sentence. So this is true for daily life situations, like in the picture (but the  word "save" needs an 's').

Practice always help but it's hard to start making the changes...

P.S.: The second poll is just a joke. Voting is not compulsory

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Caution, shopaholics

Buy me, try me, take me home, feel me, touch me, taste me. You'll love me... A wide range of suggestions face us with a lot of information: shape, smell, feeling, different parametres of a product, but first of all, the assurance of buying. Paying by cash or via credit card - in the case of money, I'd say change. You give the required amount and get a product or whatever - for those commodities which you might not use or wear in the future.

It's a pleasant feeling to spend money, I can surely assure, on anything. Why? There might be -probably there are - psychological and physical reasons and theories to this deed. And I'm sure that I'm not the first person who tries to get the sense of this phenomenon.

Doesn't it feel good when you're down and you buy a bar of chocolate? I think it does. And when you would  feel like crying aloud because you're missing someone you love or lost or buying a bunch of flowers for your mother on Mother's Day? The lattest is a special occasion, though, so I don't want to talk about this, but about the usual weekdays, on which you can 'freely' commit a sin or more. In connection with Mother's Day,I wanted to say that you express your love towards your mother, grandmother and that kind of shopping is not the sinful one. I mean, the shopping itself has a reason while the addiction-like doesn't necessary have to have any.

It is calimed that shopping is a therapy. For almost everything. For happiness, joy, disappointment, sadness, sorrow, embarassment or just because. The fact and the moment of buying makes the soul 'feel' different, like happy, proud. Even if you only bought a packet of chewing gum, some crisps or a nicely-flavoured shower gel after a heavy day. There's a kind of saying in Hungarian and I'm trying to translate it into English. It'd sound like: Men are likely to pay double amount of money for things they need, but women tend to spend less money on things which aren't actually useful...It is a cliché but true, I reckon.

All in all, shopping can be a cure. So be careful, it's like a drug, and it can turn fast into addiction: the more you spend, the more you want next time - especially in the case of clothing, shoes - in order to be more satisfied, of course... In the end, don't forget to have a look at your money, because if you run out of it, then it can simply ruin the dreams... And your life.

Saturday, 12 February 2011

When the sun goes down...

It gets you up into heaven... and then down into hell. Over and over again. One change after another. Surprises every time. Like a rollercoaster. Like love. Like many things in the world.

When days are just passing by and there's nothing you can do about it. By watching the clouds in the sky, take a glance at a second of a sunset; be quick - it's getting dark. And another day is over again. It needs to reach its end in order to get anything other started: completely different, or the same.

There are many kinds of natural beauties, like the sun-rays' reflections on a river's surface, the green of the grass, a blooming lilac, and so on. However, in my opinion, the sunset and the sunrise can compete with them.

For example, the sunset itself is known as a romantic, but on the other hand a bit mournful (or even sentimental) event. Not that time, when you can take your time and staring at it with someone you truly love. In this sense, the whole moment becomes extremely unique. The feeling of peace, quiet, caring and harmony will drench your heart in happiness. On the other hand, it means the time of the night. The calling of adventure, fun, party... or even danger.

Those who'd rahter wake up very early in the (still dark, star-pointed) morning and prefer watching the rise of the sun can really feel that they're gifted. With a promise of an entirely new day on this fragile Earth, filled with pleasure and as well as challeneges... To help others, showing some extraordinary piece of our vulnerable soul, to take the chances which life gives us, instead of being envious, willing, violent and warlike. To build a different future in the 21st century breakdown while we're trapped in the present forever.

What if that this all gives a meaning to life?

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace." /Jimi Hendrix/